Hi, my name is Liz Javier, and I am your manifesting and mindset coach. 

I was inspired to begin coaching after experiencing bouts of depression and sadness throughout my life and working hard to get the tools and help I needed to find happiness! These are mindset and manifesting tools I have used throughout almost 40 years on Earth. I know many others out there are going through the same thing. Maybe not full-blown depression, but definitely bouts of sadness and feeling unworthy, and definitely unsure of what to do next. Here are a few of my stories I want to share with you to let you know you are not alone!

From a young age, I was diagnosed with depression. At the age of 16, tried to take my own life due to it. That’s when my healing journey began. At first, it was psychiatry visits and anti-depressant medication. I had an epiphany one day talking to my psychiatrist. He told me that while I was diagnosed with depression, I wasn’t the one broken. It was my environment that was broken. That is when I realized I had lived life according to everyone around me and was influenced by others to do what they thought was best for me. I wasn’t fixed, but I started to better understand the choices I make are my responsibility. I still had a long journey ahead.

I continued throughout my 20s to have fun, make friends, and do everything against what I was told to do… graduate from college… get a high-paying job… get married… have kids! Instead, I partied, drank, had fun, and worked just enough to pay my bills. It wasn’t a bad time in my life, it was fun! In the mix of it all, all I was really doing was masking my depression and sadness with drugs and alcohol. I did finally go back and get a degree. At 26 years old, I realized it was time to grow up. I decided to start doing more personal development to move forward with my life. I couldn’t keep drinking and partying if I wanted more out of life, as I saw the life sucked out of some of my friends getting mixed in bad with drugs and shady people.

In 2012, I moved to Austin, Texas, without a job. I had a dream of starting fresh! I started reading more books, and shifting my health into working out and eating healthy. Got a job at a bank. I worked out and started eating healthy. This was the basis of good health to help keep my depression and anxiety to a minimum. The consistency of feeling good helped me feel more confident and alive. That’s why I became a personal trainer! To help others become the best versions of themselves by sharing my personal journey of healing through fitness. I taught free boot camps for friends for donations. For me, it was a start, but not enough.

In 2015, I went through a massive breakup with a man I thought I was going to marry someday. I moved away from Austin to help him fulfill his dreams and put mine aside. He subtly influenced everything he wanted from me - how to dress, what jobs to get, and how to act. When I shared my dreams with him, he shut them down so quickly and made me feel insane forever dreaming. It wasn’t until I read the book The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson that I realized I was still letting others influence how I should live my life instead of listening to my own heart. With only my clothes and a few pieces of personal items, I packed up my jeep and a small Uhaul hitched on, and moved back to Austin. No job. I slept on a twin bed donated to me by my sister in a friend's living room for 3 months, trying to get back on my feet.

Eventually, I got back into my routine of working out, doing yoga, and eating healthy. I got my old job back, found a place to live, and started working on ME. From that day forward, I decided I would only live my life as I wanted! At the age of 32, I was finally figuring out what I really wanted. For me. No one else. It took spending hours reading massive amounts of books, spending thousands of dollars hiring a life coach, and investing time and money in online programs to help me get clarity on what I wanted and figure out how to get there. All the hard work paid off, and I landed my dream job being a Yoga Instructor in January 2016 and a fitness coach for Orangetheory Fitness in July 2016. I was able to find what I wanted to do to be fulfilled in my career, and I did it! I quit the bank job and was a full-time inspiration to others. Within a year, I became head coach. A year later, promoted to senior head coach. In 2021, promoted to Director of Fitness. How? I manifested the hell out of it! All of it!

I spent so much of my life working 60-70 hour work weeks, juggling multiple jobs and barely making ends meet. I'd commute to jobs that stressed me out, undervalued me, and didn't allow me to reveal my true potential, only to work an evening job and weekend jobs and come home too stressed and too tired to cook.

I surrounded myself throughout my life that took energy from me rather than support. There came a point where I believed my dream life wasn't available to me. That wasn’t me talking, it was all the influence around me. Changes had to be made and quickly!

Can you relate?

I WAS SO LOST!  I FELT SO STUCK for a long time!  

It took me over a decade to figure out that I no longer want to make someone else happy. I finally realized that it was the time for me to create my own abundance... and put myself, my dreams, and my desires first before I hit another melting point. 

One day I decided I was sick and tired of being sick and tired, and made the major changes in my life that led me to live the happy, abundant, healthy, and fulfilled life I am now. Are you ready for that?

So, what are you waiting for? Let’s start manifesting the life you have always dreamed of!


Bachelor's in Business Marketing



TRX Qualified Coach, 2020

Integrated Speed, Agility & Quickness Training, 2020

Weight Loss Specialist, NASM, 2020

Behavior Change Specialist, NASM, 2020

Certified Personal Trainer, NASM, 2013-Current

Corrective Exercise Specialist, NASM, 2014

Fitness Nutrition Specialist, NASM, 2014

RYT-200, CorePower Yoga, Austin, Texas, 2016

OTFit Certification, Orangetheory Fitness, 2017

Sculpt Yoga, CorePower Yoga, Austin, Texas, 2017