We all know how it goes. Sure it seems secure, loving, and exactly what you need - THE ONE. But somehow you still can't shake this feeling that there is something better out there.

You see other's with theirs, you long for something they have, but still stay with your ONE because it's what you know - your comfort zone and what you think is safe. It's the sound choice to stay put where you are and not risk losing what you have now.

Then one day you fall in love with another.

You realize that your security with the ONE you were with was actually causing your unhappiness - it's called false security. Still, you try to justify staying with every last bit of your energy, until you're so worn out that you give in.

So you pack your bags and you leave, to be with the the OTHER ONE, the ONE that will make you happy. 

It is the scariest thing that you'll ever do, but in the end all the fighting, kicking and screaming to get there... all the sacrifices you made... you have arrived... and it's totally worth it.

You are now living with the right ONE, the ONE you belong with, the ONE that you love.... 

We are talking about your life! The life you want to be in love with. The ONE you deserve... the ONE that is for you. The life that makes you so happy, you could scream it from every mountain top. It's waiting for you. So, what are you waiting for?

Oh, you thought maybe I was talking about a man or a woman... your soul mate? Well, he/she is out there, too, but until they are ready to find you....

Go get 'em tiger!

Be in love,


(CPT, FNS, CES, RYT-200)
Success & Lifestyle Coach

P.S. If you would like find out how to fall in love with your life - to find that ONE, book a free 30-minute call with me. Reply to this email or click here to schedule a time.