I receive a note from The Universe this morning in my inbox, and felt compelled to share with you.

Should you choose to go, do, and be, Liz... at the end of your life, shocked and dismayed, you'll likely exclaim that because of all the uncanny events, wild timing, weird coincidences, and sheer chance encounters, all of your life's good fortune must have been your destiny. 

Or, should you choose to wait, wish, and hope... at the end of your life, shocked and dismayed, you'll likely exclaim that because of all the uncanny events, wild timing, weird coincidences, and sheer chance encounters, all of your life's bad luck must have been your destiny.

Liz, do you see what the difference is?

It ain't me,
    The Universe

Do you ever say, "that's just my luck" or "I just have bad luck"?

I truly believe (and didn't always) that thoughts become things. That's something I sorta already knew, but sometimes we need to hear it a few times before we really start to believe it. Knowing that you control your destiny is the most powerful and amazing feeling. When was the last time you felt that way?

Thoughts become things - in this case right now let's say they become the words that you speak. Words become actions. Actions show others who you are. Who you are dictates your destiny. So... starting with your thoughts, you control your destiny. The way you think dictates your actions. What you say and do are what you really are.

Today is a great day to start thinking more positive thoughts, and really recognizing your thought patterns. This is the only life you'll live, let's make the best of it and create an amazing destiny for yourself!

I want to share one last story with you.

Two men (both in their mid 20s) walking down the street and both find a hundred dollar bill on the ground. The first man takes the money and invests it and doesn't touch it until he retires at 70. The second man takes the money and spend its on a new pair of cowboy boots.

Can you guess who created a more abundant destiny for themselves? The first man retires a millionaire. The second retires on very little.

The first man decided when he was young, it was important to invest now in himself for later in life. The second man would rather have instant gratification and spend the money now.

The first man created his own destiny by taking the action and investing early, and kept investing because that is what he thought was the right thing to do. The compounding effect - start with investing little, and over time that investment compounds over and over (if you're good at math and/or banking, you know about compounding interest).

But this also applies to the compounding effect on your thinking. The more positive thoughts you think now, over time those thoughts build on each other. Sending out positive vibrations out into The Universe will let The Universe know that you are ready to receive positive energy back. (When I say The Universe, this could be your higher power, your God, your Source Energy).

Time for you to go out and create your own destiny this week. Listen to your thoughts, see how they dictate your words, and feel into each action you take. If any of those make you feel icky, time to make some changes.
Stay badass,


P.S. If you would like to receive your own notes from The Universe, CLICK HERE and sign up.