It is time to define your goals and make them SMART. We are also going to define your Ultimate Goal. This may be something different than anything you have done before, so come into this with patience for yourself and an open mind.

Chalene Johnson is an amazing speaker and motivator. When I took one of her programs a few years ago, she helped me come up with my own PUSH goal. This really helped me to revamp everything to love life and myself. During the program, the one thing I do over and over again since then is define my PUSH goal. She called it a Push goal but for my purpose we are going to call it an Ultimate goal on this worksheet because this is ultimately something you HAVE TO DO to get where you want to go.

Why is this important?

You may list 10 goals that you have that you want to accomplish, but do you ever feel lost on where to start? You’re not alone. Most people don’t know where to start and most start with the easiest things to check them off the list. The things that are the least rewarding and those are the ones that kind of makes you feel like you lose motivation. Sound familiar? I have another approach for you to take. Let’s start by defining your top 10 goals. You may find it easy to do, it may be hard to come up with 10. Focus on your health and wellness first (nutrition and workouts first, then emotional and mental health) but don’t be afraid to include items like finances or relationships if it makes you feel more balanced and abundant in your life. Always start with the lowest scoring aspects in your life first and then work from there.

It would be awesome if…

List 10 “It would be awesome if” goals to happen in the next 90 days. Be specific. Write them down as if they have already been accomplished.











Make your goals SMART

Use SMART table below to go back to your 10 goals, and define them deeper.


Be specific on how you want to accomplish this goal, like a mission statement. Who you need to consider to be involved, what is being accomplished, when it will be done, relevant place, requirements, obstacles, and reason. The more specific you are, the more real it becomes.


Pick a metric. “Lose weight” or “be skinny” is not going to work. “Lose 12 pounds” is a concise metric on how it will be measurable.


In order to achieve a goal, you want it to be attainable and inspire motivation. “Lose 12 pounds in two days” is not an attainable goal and after a day only losing 1 pound you would immediately become discouraged. “Lose 12 pounds in 20 days” is more attainable, especially if you know you can lose a pound a day and you feel more inspired.


Focus on something that makes sense with the broader picture. Eating only salads for lunch and dinner are not really relevant goals and not always what you need to get you to where you want to be. Not eating out and meal prepping 7 days a week is relevant and also more specific to your main goal.


If you don’t give yourself a deadline, how likely are you to start right away? If you had to write a biography of your life, you’ll take years. But if you were only given a week, would you get a lot more done in a week than you would in a year without a deadline. Time constraints create more urgency.

Create Your Ultimate Goal

What is an Ultimate Goal?

An Ultimate Goal is the one goal that makes all your other goals possible. Looking at your list of 10 goals, what is one thing that you can do to make all the rest possible? Usually it’s something simple as more discipline, finances, time, energy, or skills/talents. After you figure out what that is, you can set one Ultimate Goal that will help you achieve all the other goals. This may not seem like the most important goal to you, but once you do this all the other things will seem to fall into place and you have built that momentum. It may not seem obvious or cut and dry, so journal about it if you feel lost.

EXAMPLE: If your goals are to workout 5 times a week, eat healthy, eat out only once a week and cook more, spend more time with your family each week, have a date night with your spouse each week, lose 15 pounds in the next 90 days, create more “me time”, reorganize your home or garage, meditate 3 times a week, and save $200 each month for a new car.

Besides the savings, most of these require time. So you decide your Ultimate Goal would be hiring help to clean your home, do laundry and grocery shop so you have more time for your family, time to meal prep, and more time to spend with your family and yourself.

Easy, right? Yes, but also know that this Ultimate Goal is not your one stop. Say you can’t afford to hire someone, then it’s time to think of another Ultimate Goal.

So now your Ultimate Goal would be to make more money to afford to hire help. To do that, you may need to get a raise or promotion at your job. You may need to create more income another way. So now your Ultimate goal is actually to get the next promotion at work, or find another way to create more income for yourself.

So while at first it looks like you needed more time, what actually you needed was more money to create more space in your life.

Don’t ever feel stuck on an Ultimate Goal. Sometimes they don’t work, that’s when you come back to the drawing board and try something else. Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is the actual definition of insanity.

An Ultimate Goal is not always what is most important to you. Your Ultimate goal is what makes everything happen.

My Ultimate Goal is….


Your coach,

Liz Javier <3

“Focus on the goals that make things happen!”

**Chalene Johnson**