Have you slammed on the brakes with something in your life? Pause and think about it. When was the last time you had something you really wanted to do, and you thought, "no, not right now" or "I'm not ready" or "maybe next time"?

Why the hell haven't you gone back to that yet?

Seriously, why do we let obstacles get in the way? Are we really that scared of failing?

I wonder this all the time. Other people make it look so easy, right? So, are you letting that thought keep you from making your dreams come into fruition? 

It wasn't until recently that I figured out, we have that ability to take your foot of the brake, press on the gas, and make it look easy. Here's how....

(stick with me, this is a long email but worth reading to the end)

First an example of how I made this happen...

For those of you following along, I quit my corporate job back in June of this year to pursue life coaching, teaching yoga, and coaching fitness classes full time (my life long dream). For years I have wanted to do this, and years later I finally took my foot off the brake, and slammed on the gas!

I mean, I'm 33! Time to get my shit together and stop living in my own misery and pity parties, right? That's where I was, always feeling sorry for myself. Anyway back to the story...

When I first started, I had those thoughts of "wow I can't believe I'm doing this. I'm actually teaching/coaching and I really suck at it. I don't have any of the skills of the teachers/coaches that I love so much. My favorite leaders make it look so easy. I'll never be able to be a teacher like them on their level."

But I went and did it anyway.

Fast forward almost 8 months after getting hired as a yoga teacher, I taught a 6:15am yoga class this morning (yea, I know it's early) but this class tends to be those people really dedicated to their practice and regularly show up to their mat. When a few found out that I wasn't going to teach that class anymore in a few weeks, they were concerned that I was leaving.

One student in particular gave me that huge sigh of relief and a "thank God" when I said I was staying and still teaching Wednesdays that early.

I paused and had the biggest grin in my heart, because at that moment I finally realized that I now AM that teacher that others love and I have leveled up in my own way! All their smiles this morning showed that without them even saying a word!

And I was partially right in the above doubtful statement. I'm not a teacher like my favorites and I will never be like them. BECAUSE I'm a teacher like me! I get feedback that I make it look so easy and seem like a seasoned yoga teacher (after only 8 months of teaching? ah!), that was the biggest accomplishment I've ever achieved so far in my life. (SO FAR! Try to stop me now!)

Now it's your turn.

Here are a few steps on how step on the gas and move forward to make it look easy:

Step One: Realize that those who make it look easy, started out not knowing a single thing about what they do. They weren't born successful entrepreneurs, amazing yoga teachers, funny comedians, etc. They had to learn how to become those things by embracing the strengthens within themselves.

Step Two: Embrace the strengths within yourself. Know that if you are great with the human anatomy, you may not be able to get up on stage and tell jokes so maybe you should be a nurse or a doctor. If you're tone death, you may never be a opera singer but you can make a mean steak - so be a chef. Embrace the strengths, don't dwell on your weaknesses.

Step Three: Know that those who make it look easy, also work very hard. They have spent hours, days, months, perfecting their craft. They prepare, prepare, execute, revamp, prepare, prepare, and execute again. They don't just stop because it doesn't work once.

Step Four: Never quit growing. Those who make it look easy take feedback (good and bad) from others and use that to improve little by little. Even if they don't agree with the feedback, they try it out anyway to see what happens.

These seem like really easy things, but when it comes down to it how many of those things did you read and either roll your eyes, say you already do, or said in your head "psshhtt duh" but then realize you don't do those things.

If you're still reading this, chances are that you are looking for help to accelerate your life in a new direction and are not following the four steps above. Time to really evaluate whether or not you do what is necessary to crush those goals that you have and live your dream life.

Successful people do things they don't want to do because they know it will improve themselves and their success and accelerate their lives in the direction they want to go. I encourage you to do something you wouldn't normally do and see if that pushes your forward or pulls you back. Adjust, and repeat.

Be more like Ricky Bobby!
Pedal to the Medal,

Liz Javier

(CPT, FNS, CES, RYT-200)
Success & Lifestyle Coach

P.S. If you want to accelerate your life and still not sure what comes first, the first step then is to setup a free 30-minute clarity call with me. Email me at liz@lizjavier.com and setup a time. Let's get you results you can take with you within 30-minutes! It's free so you literally have nothing to lose. Start taking those steps so you can be the one people look at and say "man, he/she makes it look so easy." Yes you can!